There are two routes to take for the air that you want to breathe. One is to obtain clean air and the other is to obtain more oxygen. I will discuss one option for clean air today and will discuss how to obtain more oxygen in a future post.
HIMALAYAN CRYSTAL SALT LAMPS—The beneficial effects of salt lamps have been known for decades. Salt lamps emit negative ions, which work like natural ionizers keeping the air clean. Negative ions attach themselves to dust, pollen, mold, and odors. This is known to be very beneficial to respiratory health. Salt lamps also minimize the effect of positive ions from electronic devices. I like the lamp from Evolution Salt Co. They are hand crafted. PH. 877-868-7979 Website. My Salt Lamp is shown above. The natural color of the lamp reinforces the rejuvenating and healing influence. Just ask Snoopy and Woodstock. Don’t they look content?
Another common way that is gaining popularity to forget current issues and troubles is meditation. Maybe you are convinced that you cannot meditate or do not have the time. Maybe you think it is only for the yogi teacher. Consider this example: fantasy football is a very popular gaming event. Say John Doe is a hardworking man with a wife and two kids. He is kept up at night with worries about the economy and feeding his family. Then when he wake up in the morning while sipping on a cup of coffee these same worries enter his mind yet again. His day starts with worry.
John arrives at the subway station. He buys the days newspaper before hoping on the 8:00AM express. Enroute, he turns to the sports page to evaluate the stats of the day for the players on his fantasy football team. This so engrosses John that he thinks of nothing else for the next 20 minutes of the trek. He is calm and focused on his team. All of the days worries are forgotten for that moment. This is a form of meditation. His mind is focused and relaxed. The only difference is what he is focused on. If you meditate and focus on God then that is in essence prayer. Read the following about PTSD from the site and go to the bottom of this blog post for the link to the site and sign up for FREE. Program is FREE for the Military.
A Real Change Treating PTSD is difficult and often ineffective. As a veteran, you know the torture that you endure with compulsive thoughts, sleepless nights, disturbing dreams and inability to connect with your family upon returning home. Why PSTD is Hard to Treat Many Veterans try therapy that is focused on directing the conscious activity of the brain. Using coping skills and cognitive training, they are taught to try to change the way they think and react to their thoughts and emotions. The problem is that the effects of PTSD are not able to be controlled on a conscious level. Trauma, emotions, nightmares and the inability to connect with family are problems of the subconscious mind. Using hypnosis as therapy we can influence the way the brain is reacting and responding on a subconscious level. These reactions cannot be changed by willpower, cognitive therapy, or any amount of conscious or behavioural effort. The Gift Wendi Friesen has decided to offer this program at no charge to our veterans. Her company,, has been shipping programs to our troops stationed anywhere in the world for free for over 10 years. She is committed to supporting the mental and emotional health of those that are giving so much. Wendi has created hundreds of programs that have reached millions around the world. She has created this program specifically for PTSD for those who have served in the military and is offering her life changing work as a gift to all service men and women. How to Get Started Sign up for the program. It is totally free if you have served in the Military. You will receive a link with the password that opens the program. If you are committed to creating this change and you use the sessions as you are instructed every day, you will start to feel better, sleep great at night and enjoy life again. You will be using the sessions every day. You will start in the morning upon first awakening, as you fall asleep and during the day. Stay committed to this program and you will continue to overcome your fear, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression and detachment. Every day you will start to notice changes that will help you create a happy and powerful life. Click here for the website to get started: PTSD HELP Being the Holiday Weekend just finished, it seems fitting to add a little U.S. patriotic bit. Did you know that there was another Brexit long before this June 2016 one? See below write-up from PULSE Options Weekly Newsletter – by Chris Verhaegh
"Monday is the 240th anniversary of the first “Brexit”, the day the American Colonies declared their Independence from Great Britain (more commonly known as the “4th of July”). The US Stock Markets & Option Exchanges are closed as Americans celebrate with Parades, Fireworks and Cookouts. While they may not know it, the rest the world is celebrating as well. Think about this, before the United States came into existence all the countries/empires of the world were run by a dictator of some sort or another. Some rulers were born into the position, others took over by force. But basically the entire globe was ruled by just a handful of people/families. It might seem that nothing much has changed, but the Stock Exchanges have allowed millions of people the opportunities to better their financial future. Think about the Stock Markets. The building of canals, railroads and telegraph lines in the United States were financed by the sale of stock in each enterprise. And while there were obviously capital limitations on who might join the elite by becoming shareholders, there were no social restrictions on who could participate. While a majority in the USA are watching baseball and eating hot dogs this Monday, the rest of the world should truly celebrate along with us. Because of the markets in the US, they have an opportunity to better themselves. Everyone anywhere who has an opportunity to invest their savings (by being partners in larger enterprises by their ability to buy stock in companies) owe a debt of gratitude to the founding fathers of the United States for creating an environment which makes this all possible." So I have wondered more than a few times if my illness and those of other veterans were related to conditions experienced in the Gulf and/or Vaccines given to the military on deployments. I was deployed overseas 5 times. Not all to the Gulf but I had vaccines each time. Could this be a cumulative effect? I don't know. Could this be the law of unintended consequences? I don't know this either. But given the statistics I present here from the VA it is something definitely think about. The study clearly shows that there is a higher occurrence of chronic illnesses with between deployed and non-deployed veterans. If you are a veteran and are experiencing an illness check out the yellow highlight area in the photo snapshot of the article below:
This fits in with PART I. It is from a Stansberry Research article. Not my own but very fitting in the sense that 1) it is difficult for people to think of the need to protect themselves and 2) further reasons why someone should take action:
"As you go about your everyday life, it's easy to forget how big the economic problems we face really are… and how desperate our political leaders have become to safeguard the existing system. That's because of human psychology. It's called the "normalcy bias." It explains why, if you don't heat up the water too fast, the "frog" never jumps out of the pot before it starts to boil. People (the frogs) have a hard time believing that tomorrow won't be a lot like today. It can be almost impossible to open your mind enough to think about how the world might look a year from now… or five years from now… if there's a serious economic crisis. ......the largest, most systematically important banks in the world: Mitsubishi UFJ (MTU), Deutsche Bank (DB), and Citigroup (C). Their share prices are down 72%, 83%, and 90% over the past 10 years. How is that possible? I'd like for you to ask yourself two simple questions: First, if you believe that everything in the world's economy is basically fine and operating normally… how could the three most important banks in the world all be falling apart? Ask a reasonably well-read and knowledgeable person – like your broker, or the friend you always talk with about investments – what the 10-year return has been on the three largest banks in free-market capitalism. I guarantee they won't come anywhere close to the correct answer. That's normalcy bias in action. People constantly disregard any facts or data points that don't match their underlying assumptions, especially when those data points would disrupt a long-held belief or worldview. Let me say this as plainly as I can: If our global financial system were working normally, the returns on these major, immensely important piles of capital would at least be positive. Here's the second question I want you to think about carefully: How far will these banks have to fall before you think seriously about taking all of your savings out of the banking system? If these banks fail, the system will fail. And how much faster will you make the decision to pull your cash if these banks begin charging you to hold your cash in their bankrupt vaults? So what happens when suddenly, for no discernable reason at all, everyone decides to stop pretending otherwise? When that happens, the authorities will have three choices. They can… 1. Inflate away the bad debt by devaluing the currency and propping up the banking system with newly printed money and trade surpluses. That's the International Monetary Fund's playbook. It's what Japan has tried to do for 30 years. And it seems like that's what America and Europe are going to try now, too. Or… 2. Write off the bad loans, shut down the bad banks, and suffer a severe (but short) crisis. That's the sound-money option. (Nobody does that anymore, because depositors in the bad would banks lose everything… and they vote.) Or… 3. Simply repudiate a lot of the debt and stiff the creditors, like Russia did in 1998 and Iceland did in 2008. (That option works best if you have foreign creditors… like Argentina did in 2002.) .....................and especially commodities—are likely to explode on the upside as people panic into them to get out of depreciating dollars in general and bonds in particular. Real estate will be—next to bonds—the most devastated single area of the economy because no one will lend money long term. And real estate is built on the mortgage market, which will vanish." I reference a lot of supplements in my guidebook and even touch on some within this site. I never took the medical communities recommended pharmaceutical drugs for my condition so I did not have to worry about interactions. But for some people that is not the case. If you are taking Supplements and Drugs then you must be aware of possible side effects.
Some combinations can put your health at risk “Many supplements, including herbal remedies, vitamins, and minerals, can cause dangerous side effects when combined with drugs,” says Marvin M. Lipman, M.D., Consumer Reports’ chief medical adviser. Of course always check with the doctor or pharmacist but here is a website that lists some interactions: vitamins-supplements/supplement-and-drug-interactions I thought the following bit from again the "Dear and Glorious Physician" novel is quite applicable to the United States today even though the original edition was written in 1959 and applies to the Roman Empire. The similarities are that the United States used to be a Republic. A lot of people forget this in spite of it being in our Pledge of Allegiance....."I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC, for which it stands...." Out there in plain view.
I quote the book chapter here: "You misunderstand me, Priscus. I know that it was inevitable that Rome become what she is. Republics decay into democracies, and democracies degenerate into dictatorships. That fact is immutable. When there is equality - and democracies bring equality - the people become faceless, they lose power and initiative, they lose pride and independence, they lose their splendor. Republics are masculine, and so they beget the sciences and arts; they are prideful, heroic, and virile. They emphasize God and glorify Him. But Rome has decayed into a confused democracy, and has acquired traits such as materialism, greed, the lust for power, and expediency." There is more but that is all I am up to typing for the day. This was a wet your whistle type of day. Maybe you will research more on this topic yourself later. "Dear and Glorious Physician" is a novel about Saint Luke by my favorite author....Taylor Caldwell. It is an informative and entertaining read.
But I would like to bring up the Foreword by Taylor Caldwell here because well...I just liked it and wanted to share: "This book is only indirectly about Our Lord. No love, no historical book, can convey the story of His life as well as the Holy Bible. So the story of Lucanus, or St. Luke, is the story of every man's pilgrimage through despair and life-darkness, through suffering and anguish, through bitterness and sorrow, through doubt and cynicism \, through rebellion and hopelessness to the feet and the understanding of God. This search for God and the final revelation are the only meaning in life for men. Without this search and revelation man lives only as an animal, without comfort and wisdom, and his life is futile, no matter his station or power or birth." Peace of Mind is soooooo important to your health. I can't stress this enough. Peace of Mind is more valuable than Gold. But Gold is a way to have that peace of mind at least financially speaking. Prayer and Trust in God is another way. The same way house insurance gives peace of mind so does Gold/Silver give peace of mind financially.
I have been an advocate of diversifying oneself financially for many years and not in the sense that most financial advisors think. I am talking about diversifying oneself in case of country risk. How does one do this? Through alternative currencies. And two of those are Gold and Silver or even currencies from another country. Gold is more expensive in terms of dollars so depending on your finances Silver may have to be an alternative. It is the poor mans Gold. View both of these as a form of insurance. How much should one have? I cannot talk about this. I am not a financial advisor and I believe it would be illegal for me to give such advise. I am bringing the topic up for my Dear Readers awareness discussion with their financial advisor or further research. If one studies other countries that have been in a currency crisis before they can see a pattern. And that pattern always leads to capital controls. A few countries have recently started negative interests rates. This seems insane to me but it is happening. Will it happen to the USA? It could. There are already discussions of doing away with the $100 bill. These are red flags to be aware and take note. If negative interests rates become too erroneous people will naturally want to move their cash elsewhere. This would have to be stopped by the powers that be as a run on the banks is not a good thing. Regardless capital controls have already started many years ago and are becoming more stringent with each passing year. Why? Because as a government gets in trouble it attempts to prevent capital from fleeing the country. It's own nature is to save itself. Sometimes it confiscates that capital. Look recently at Cypress or for the USA in the 1930s with FDR. Look at what has happened before in Argentina and Chile where the money was devalued almost overnight. The bank accounts are typically frozen and then the people wake up with a new currency worth a good percentage less than before. It has happened before so it can happen again. Many of the laws to enact capital controls are under the guise of the war on drugs or war on terrorism. Take for instance the $10,000 rule. Don't leave the country with over this amount or you could become an instant felon. Why? It's your money isn't it. A drug dealer or terrorist would easily avoid this by purchasing diamonds, or gold jewelry or even a Picasso Painting if they want to transport large quantities of wealth. They are not stupid but apparently the public is. The real reason to have capital controls such as this is to keep the average person from extracting their money and moving it to safety. Or how about the FATCA laws that were passed? Good luck opening a foreign bank or brokerage account now with that law. BELOW IS A GOOD ARTICLE ON THE LAWS THAT ARE BEING INTRODUCED MORE AND MORE EACH DAY FROM INTERNATIONAL LAW The More Corrupt the State, the More Numerous the Laws "Today, I’m going to share one of the most important things I’ve learned traveling around the world: There’s a crucial difference between committing a real crime and breaking the law. I’ve seen it firsthand in the Middle East as well as many other places. The difference is huge and few people understand it. While laws vary dramatically across countries, almost every country in the world universally considers real crimes immoral. A real crime involves harm or the threat of harm to person or property. Think murder, theft, or arson. Virtually every government prohibits real crimes. Most also prohibit a lot of other things… When someone breaks the law, it’s often not a real crime at all. He may have merely violated a particular government’s law without threatening or harming anyone or anything. Keep in mind that the idea of a victimless crime is an oxymoron. If there is no victim, there is no real crime. Insulting the Dear Leader in North Korea, being a woman who’s driving a car in Saudi Arabia, or possessing certain plants in the U.S. government all violate laws. But none of these activities harm or threaten people or property. They’re not real crimes. They simply violate the laws of certain governments. Of course, I am not suggesting that anyone break the law anywhere, even if it wouldn’t harm people or property. As a practical matter, it’s foolhardy to violate any government’s laws while you’re within its reach. That is, unless you prefer the lifestyle of an outlaw or a martyr. It would be risky to disparage the Dear Leader while in North Korea, or to possess an unapproved plant in the U.S., and so forth. Distinguishing between real crimes (i.e., harming or threatening to harm people or property) and breaking the law is critical to your personal freedom. The next step is for you to minimize your exposure to arbitrary, make-believe “crimes” invented by your home government. You can do this by diversifying internationally. That means moving some of your savings abroad in the form of physical gold to a safe jurisdiction, owning real estate in another country, opening foreign bank/brokerage accounts, and obtaining a second passport, among other things. Taking these steps will significantly dilute the power bureaucrats in your home country have over you. This is what this publication is all about: maximizing your personal freedom and worldwide financial opportunities. The more laws, regulations, and edicts your home government subjects you to, the more important it is to diversify internationally. This problem is particularly obvious in the U.S., where every level of government is continually passing more laws…especially the federal government. There are so many vague, overly broad federal laws criminalizing mundane activities that it’s impossible for anyone to be 100% compliant. Many people think felonies only consist of major crimes like robbery and murder. But that isn’t true. An ever-expanding mountain of laws and regulations has criminalized even the most mundane activities. It’s not as hard to commit a felony as you might think. Many victimless “crimes” are felonies. A study by civil liberty lawyer Harvey Silverglate found that the average American inadvertently commits three felonies a day. Today, there are thousands of federal crimes, and the number is constantly increasing. It brings to mind the words of the great Roman historian Tacitus: “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” Here’s what Doug Casey says. Corruption can be defined as the taking of bribes of one type or another by officials in order to allow subjects to avoid taxes or regulations. Political corruption doesn't, therefore, occur in totally free markets simply because there's no taxation or regulation to avoid. Inevitably, and completely predictably, the more taxed and regulated a society is, the more necessarily corrupt it is. Today in the U.S., the government won’t necessarily go after you if you break a law. After all, most everyone has technically broken some law. Instead, the government decides whom to go after and chooses which laws to enforce. A creative prosecutor can always find some crime to charge you with if he looks hard enough. This doesn’t sound like the land of freedom and opportunity. It sounds like an out-of-control government. If you think it’s bad now, just wait until American politicians get even more financially desperate. Like most governments in financial trouble, we think the U.S. will keep choosing the easy option…money printing on a massive scale. This is a huge threat to your financial security. Politicians are playing with fire and inviting a currency catastrophe. The socio-political consequences are likely to be even more severe than the financial ones. This is a big reason why we think everyone should own some gold. Gold is the ultimate form of wealth insurance. It has preserved wealth through every kind of crisis imaginable. It will preserve wealth during the next crisis, too. But, if you want to be truly “crisis-proof”, there is much more you can do..." |
AuthorMartin Luther King Jr. said "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" Archives
August 2023